The Rider Kite Camp is aimed at advanced riders who can safely go upwind. Grab the right material from Eleveight, Kold and Co. and let´s ride together on the lagoon.
In addition to the shallow water lagoon, which offers ideal conditions for freestyling, they also have a sea spot up their sleeve that is ideal for foiling (foil equipment not included). They take care of all spot transfers.
An experienced instructor always keeps an eye on you during the kite sessions and is happy to give you a few tips (accompanied kiting). If you want intensive 1-on-1 coaching, they recommend a private lesson including video analysis.
Before and after the kite sessions, they organize an unforgettable holiday for you with fascinating excursions to local markets, street art projects, and the most beautiful beaches on the island. Immerse yourself in Djerbian culture and meet extraordinary people. They look forward to climbing to the next kite level with you.
Important note
Depending on previous experience and individual learning speed, the respective daily goals can of course be changed and are in every case individually tailored to your learning speed. The weekly plan is only intended to give an overview of the course of the training course, but is by no means to be regarded as definitively fixed.
As kitesurfers, they are of course dependent on the wind and plan your day accordingly. The evening before, you make a joint battle plan for the following day so that everyone knows what activities are planned for the next day. Please note that their kite camps are greatly reduced package prices, which is why they cannot grant any discounts in calm or stormy weather.