18 Surf Blogs for Surfers and Water Sports Enthusiasts
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Surf legend Philip Edwards, credited with being the first professional surfer and making the first signature surfboard in the world, famously said that “The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun”. We strongly agree with him and we also believe that surfing is so much more than just a sport; it is a lifestyle and, for some, a religion.
To honor the surf lifestyle, we are proud to present our top 30 favorite surf blogs. We hope these blogs will serve as so much more than just inspiration for you; they motivate you to either start surfing or continue on this wonderful road. We also hope that these blogs bring joy to you and that you will come to love surfing even more after browsing through them. Read on and make sure you bookmark the ones you love!
18. Surfers Hype
Surfers Hype is an online surf magazine with a strong sense of community and a broad appeal. The unique and vast content has made Surfers Hype one of the fastest-growing surf resources online.
Their content educates newcomers about surfing by answering general questions and teaching them about the ocean, their surf gear, and specific surf techniques.
The more experienced surfers will enjoy the comprehensive surf travel guides, gear reviews, workout routines, updates from the industry, and much more.
Original content combined with a great user experience makes it one of the best surf blogs to follow. Check them out and spread the hype!
17. Bali and Indo Surf Stories
If you read the ‘about me’ section of the Bali and Indo Surf Stories blog, you’ll probably fall in love with the owner of the blog, just like we did. How could you not love someone who describes themselves as “A grumpy, balding, middle-aged man, but once upon a time, I was a golden-haired surfer boy who had the great good fortune of being born in Bali in 1956”? The blog is chock-full of precious surfing information, advice, and news. We highly recommend you spend some time on it, you won’t regret it!
16. Kitesurfers Blog
Photo credit: kitesurfersblog.com
If kitesurfing is your thing, then Kitesurfers Blog is a must-read! It is a kitesurfing and travel blog that focuses on kitesurfing news, photos, and stunning kitesurfing videos. One of the things we love the most about this blog is their complete info sheet on kitesurfing; it has everything you need to know about the sport, from its history to kite types, harnesses, and popular kitesurfers. This blog is truly a precious gem that needs to be appreciated and also thoroughly explored.
15. Channel Island Surfboards
Photo credit: cisurfboards.com
Channel Island Surfboards’ website has one of the best surfing blog sections on the Internet. Aside from the fact that the section is updated regularly, it offers so much information on surfing events, surfers, and everything surf-related, that you simply cannot afford to ignore it. We highly recommend bookmarking it and checking it out frequently, as you never know what you might miss!
14. Encyclopedia of Surfing
Photo credit: encyclopediaofsurfing.com
This particular surfing blog is a stunning fountain of information about surfing in the good old days: surfer icons, competitions that are long gone, lesser-known surfers and so much more. It’s a place that reminds each and every one of us how wonderful the surfing scene has been and how much it has changed in the past two decades. It’s a place where surf enthusiasts will enjoy getting lost in!
13. Backpacker Banter
While Backpacker Banter isn’t a surfing blog per se, it does have great surfing articles that all surf lovers can appreciate and find inspiring. The man behind the blog, Chris, describes himself as “ a surfer, a photographer, traveler, and ocean lover,” which sounds an awful lot like what so many of us can identify with. Follow Chris on his adventures and you will get a good dose of surfing that will surely inspire and delight you.
12. Surf Nation
The blog Surf Nation was born following the success of the book Surf Nation: In Search of the Fast Lefts and Hollow Rights of Britain and Ireland by Alex Wade. Wade is a writer, freelance journalist, media lawyer and lecturer. His blog will surely provide great insight into the surf scene in Britain and surfing in Ireland.
11. Windsurf Blog
There aren’t many windsurfing blogs out there, which is why Windsurf Blog is so precious. We wish it was more regularly updated, but even so, it’s a great windsurfing blog! What we absolutely love about this blog is that it is a valuable source of windsurfing news and anything windsurfing-related. Check it out if windsurfing is what makes your world go round!
10. Young Wise Tails
Photo credit: youngwisetails.com
The young guys from Young Wise Tails are so inspiring! They are Conner and Parker, two surfers and budding directors, who love sharing their experiences with the world. They’ve already completed three short films and all are up on their website. For their third movie, Wildfire, they went to Indonesia with Jay Davies and Yadin Nicol, where they experienced “good surf and good vibes all around!” It is an inspiring movie that you simply must see!
9. 360Guide
In their own words, “360Guide was born from a passion for action sports, passion for writing and interest in the Internet. We have been snowboarding and surfing for a long time. We also enjoy wakeboarding and mountain biking and actually, any sport that gives you adrenaline, soul, lifestyle, puts you outside and connects you with nature.” How can you not be inspired by people who think like this? Also, we absolutely love the blog section of their website, as it gives a wonderful insight into the world of surfing.
8. Wake up stoked
Photo credit: wakeupstoked.com
Miriam is a 28-year-old German who, as she puts it, threw her life away to go on a “kitesurf-around-the-world-trip.” This is a stunning blog, filled to the brim with precious information about kitesurfing, kitesurf hacks, and kitesurf travels. If you need more motivation to go visit her blog, here are 10 reasons why kitesurfing will make you happier. Spoiler alert, she’s completely right!
7. The Peconic Puffin
Photo credit: wikipedia.org
The editor of The Peconic Puffin was a contributor to Windsurfing Magazine from 1996 to 2001, and still sometimes writes for Windsurfing, The New England Windsurfing Journal and other windsurfing magazines. This blog started out as a weekly newspaper in 1993 and focused on a group of windsurfers who shared a summer house called the Puffin House on the Peconic bays of Long Island. Take it from us, if windsurfing is your thing, then The Peconic Puffin is a must-follow blog!
6. The Tale of a Mermaid
Devon is the woman behind The Tale of a Mermaid, and what a woman she is! She’s a mother, a writer, and a surfer, and from the looks of it, she’s awesome at all of them. She is a wonderful storyteller and we could sit and read her posts all day long; she masterfully combines family life with surfing and she truly is an inspiring individual. Visit Devon over at her blog and we assure you that you’ll love her!
5. Fiji Surf Blog
Photo credit: fijisurfshots.com
There isn’t a surf blog on the entire web that features more stunning surfing photographs than the Fiji Surf Blog! You can spend hours browsing the pages of their blog and still not get tired of all the gorgeous photos of people surfing, breaking waves and everything that is surf related. This blog completely immerses you in the world of surfing and that’s why we love it so much!
4. We Are Surfers
Photo credit: wearesurfer.net
We are Surfers is an international surfing, surf art and culture website. It’s where you will find pretty much everything you need to know about surfing, from surf artists to tutorials, debates, articles and interviews. The thing that makes us state that this is probably the best surf website/blog on the internet is the fact that they post several times a day, which means that you will always be up to date on everything that happens in the world of surfing. This one should be a definite bookmark!
3. Surfragette the Journal
Photo credit: surfragette.com
Marta is a surfer who understood early on that female surfers need to work extra hard to be taken seriously in this sport. Surfragette was born out of her desire to show everyone that women can be great surfers, too. In her own words, her blog is “a lot of things - a personal journal, a community, a place where you get to know other people's lives, a path to walk slowly and enjoy...” In our words, her blog is a wonderful place!
2. Surfer Dad
Photo credit: surferdad.co.uk
Surfer Dad is one of the surf blogs we love the most. The man behind it is a thirty-something surfer living in Cornwall. He came up with the idea for his blog after he noticed that he spent most of his days thinking that he would rather go surfing. As he puts it, “ the idea of this blog is to provide surfing solace to a wave starved father.” Be sure to check this blog out, it’s fun, filled with great posts and recommendations for surfers and surfer parents, alike!
1. Anna Ehrgott
Photo credit: annaehrgott.com
Anna Ehrgott is a traveling surfer, photographer and environmentalist, and her photographic blog is stunning. She has such an eye for capturing gorgeous moments in the water and outside it. Her photography is so personal, and intimate, that it makes you feel as if you’re right there with her on her journeys. We could spend hours browsing through it!
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