You have been surfing for a while, you are confident with your board, you understand different types of waves but you would like to surf with locals to guide you at the peak and get to know some of our beaches? Then this is the right package for you!
Best choice for surfers looking for suitable conditions and new spots working on their maneuvers assisted by a local surfer. Come and join great surf sessions, and have fun with the local team, getting the support and guidance you need to make it up to the next level enhancing your skills.
The local team shares their knowledge and passion for surfing and offers you a unique and authentic experience. The goal is always to surf as long as possible in the best conditions and to enjoy your surfing day to the full.
After a day in the water, you can relax in the comfortable surf house with a view over the surf spots, enjoy delicious Moroccan and Spanish cuisine, and experience the typical Moroccan hospitality. Immerse yourself in the captivating culture and explore the breathtaking landscape of southern Morocco on your ultimate surf adventure away from the crowds!
Sample schedule
Day 1
- Arrival
- Check-in
- 20:00 Dinner
Day 2-7
- 09:00 Breakfast
- 10:00 - 18:00 Surfing
- 20:00 Dinner
Day 8
- 09:00 Breakfast
- Check-out until 12:00
This is the typical itinerary of 1 week Surf Riders Camp, but there can be changes due to the conditions and tides.
Depending on the conditions and the needs of the group, the instructors/guides decide each day where to go and what time will be the best to take full advantage of the best conditions. For this reason, the exact schedule may vary.
During the surf sessions, your instructors will explain to you where to access and give you all the important details about each peak. They will be with you in the water to help you find the best positioning. They will guide you to refine your technique, get the most out of the wave and adapt to different types of waves.
This pack is designed for surfers that already have have been surfing for a while, are confident with their board, understand different types of waves but would like to surf with locals to get some assistance at the peak and get to know some of the beaches
Recommended season: All year around
- Safe and confident riding front- and backside
- Duck dive / turtle roll
- Safe orientation at the lineup
- Following surf rules
- Take full advantage of a green wave
- Adapt your riding to different waves
- Improve your skills
- New maneuvers